Tuesday, April 24, 2012


I hoping for souvenir when my friends or family members going abroad, as I always ask for souvenir . I really love to collect souvenir. The Souvenir is now in my part of life, going anywhere i should buy one. Because we live once and we go there once. But, I never receive any souvenir from my friends and family member for 19 years. They have been to beautiful places and visited the places as well. Unfortunately, i bought them souvenir.

The saddest thing is they didn't bought me one. The saddest thing is they bring me nothing. Always asking for souvenir i think million times. Don't give me the souvenir and i would not listen to your journey experienced, useless listener i guess. I went to people country i don't dare to see my friends or family members awaits for souvenir, well i bought them one. I think i wasted my money just to buy souvenir for them .Let say, I rather bought the souvenir for myself and I rather use the money for myself to enjoy.

Even more, the voice will come out after "where is my souvenir".. the person will answered " Oh, i forgot your souvenir" .and " Oh i don't have enough money" and " Oh did you remind me?" . Just forget about IT!. Just say that you ignored everything that I asked you for. At least you give me the soap from hotel, the post card and etc.

The moral value of the story is , we better get our self enjoy and just don't bother them . Don't be silly with their pity face and ignorance react. I should label myself " if i have money i will buy you one or else forget it".
I was very sad when people went so far away and they didn't bring us something for remember! Souvenir is everything in my life, and memorable thing.

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