Monday, February 14, 2011

the truth of a younge man on his journey

Wake up in the morning.In early morning, the cold water tab shower me up. Everyone awake when hear the alarm of his handphone . who is first to shower then second, get drink a warm milo at the table of master. Ready for to hospital for medical check up and ready to the airport. sent my relative aunt to hospital with a women driver and her brother seating infront of the car. and I was in the second back seat. thinking of about life. We three off to the airport and checking in to the counter with the one medium bag, got his ticket seat sixtheen A, and wondered which seat is that. Flight up to delayed about two hours and bored looking up people. after an hour, plane has finally come and we queeing up and then to the plane. seating at 16A and which of malay couple beside me and front of me of annoying crying baby. in thinking of self, how long do i have to hear the babby cry. thinking of my home at home! miss my pets and HOME. And Finally arive! home sweet Home is like heavenly Home!


  1. Hey KAWAN!! im home already!! sorry cos not informing you. he he he.. so are u around ??

  2. always around ! long time no see you kawan !

  3. I miss you DEBBIE.hehehe. so, when we get time to manage our plan to go jalan? sampai gemoks?haha

  4. i miss u too MELCHIZEDEK MICHAEL ! haha ! anytime u want but need to ask others jgak . taknak later bc yg tertinggal . hehe !

  5. Ookay deh debbie w davis.hahaha.. i'll inform you okay?hehe

  6. ewahhh . haha ! don't forget to koling2 my wall orite ? ;)
